The Lord's Supper at King of Kings

Communion is celebrated every Sunday.  We want you to feel welcome, loved, and know that we care deeply about you and your spiritual health. Therefore, we adhere to a communion policy that is in accordance with God’s Word and our understanding of it as a church body.

Our Communion Policy

We believe Jesus is really present in the meal of Holy Communion. In Holy Communion we receive His true body and blood in, with, and under the bread and the wine when it is united with His Word. In this sacrament Jesus forgives our sins, gives us eternal life, strengthens our faith, and reminds us of our salvation through the eating and drinking of His true body and blood.

Our Lord invites to His table those who are baptized, trust His words, repent of their sin, and desire with God’s help to conform their life to His Word. God’s Word teaches that partaking of the Lord’s Supper in an unworthy manner can result in God’s judgement instead of a blessing. So, we urge those who wish to participate to examine themselves as the Scriptures direct.

Participation in Holy Communion is also a profound proclamation of unity in faith. In sharing Christ’s body and blood at the altar, we indicate our common commitment to the teachings of Christianity as taught in this congregation.

Anyone who is not yet instructed in the faith, in doubt of or in disagreement with what our church teaches is welcome to come forward and signal their desire to receive a blessing by crossing their hands over their heart.

We invite you to prepare your heart by asking yourself these questions:

  1. Do I admit that I am a sinful person in need of God’s love and forgiveness?

  2. Do I trust that Jesus is God’s Son, my Savior?

  3. Do I believe Jesus’ promise – that with the bread and wine He declares, “This is My Body, given for you…This is My Blood, shed for you”?

  4. Do I desire, by the Holy Spirit’s power, to live in a closer relationship with Jesus Christ and give my life to service in His Body – the Church – by regular worship, sacrificial giving, and thankful living?

If you have questions about these beliefs or our teachings, please see the pastor or worship assistants before partaking of Christ’s body and blood.

When communing, please join us at the rail in the front of the Sanctuary. You may kneel or stand as you are able. Extend your hand to receive the host (wafer). Gluten-free wafers are available by request.  You may receive the wine by taking an individual cup from the tray offered (a grape juice option is available in the center of the tray) or sipping from the common cup, which is given by the pastor. If you choose an individual cup, please place it in the basket offered to you at the rail, or in the stand at the outer end of the front row if no basket is offered. Remain at the communion rail to receive a blessing from the pastor before returning to your seat via the outer aisle.

Our pastor will bless children and adults if they have not received instruction about Holy Communion. Just cross your arms over your heart when you kneel at the rail.