CLC Service League

We provide opportunities to serve the children and families at the Children's Learning Center here on campus. See the SignUpGenius below for projects for the 2024-2025 school year!

Fill out this form to be added to our email list!

January Mission of the Month
Lutheran World Relief

Lutheran World Relief (LWR) envisions a future where all people, in every corner of the world can live full, dignified lives. Founded by Lutherans in the United States at the end of World War II, grounded in Lutheran theology and building on decades of experience, Lutheran World Relief tackles global poverty by helping people adapt to the challenges that threaten their livelihoods and well-being. LWR works with people based on need, regardless of race, religion, or nationality. They provide aid in emergencies and help families restore their lives, partnering with communities to build and grow rural economies, breaking the cycle of poverty so families and communities can thrive.

As always, 2% of our general offering for January will be given to our Mission of the Month. You can also mark your special offerings "Mission of the Month" online or in-person. Thank you for your support! 

Donate Now Lutheran World Relief
Missions Team

Have an idea for a Mission of the Month? Want to be involved in planning service opportunities for our church? Join the Missions Committee today!

Contact Melinda Kristof, Missions Committee Chair.

Get In Touch