5th-12th graders and their friends are invited to celebrate our blessings and make a difference in our community! We'll meet at King of Kings at 8:00am for coffee and donuts before heading to the Community First! Village to serve together.
After our servant event (9am-Noon), we'll carpool back to King of Kings for lunch!
Experience a day of giving back at Community First! Village, where you can make a direct impact through various activities such as laying pathways, harvesting gardens, tending to our chicken coop, and more. We ask all participants to dress appropriately for a safe and productive day of service. We will be led by both MLF staff and residents and detailed instructions will be provided upon arrival. (9301 Hog Eye Rd. Austin, TX, 78724) Required Volunteer Checklist:
Weather Notice: In case of inclement weather, cancellations will be communicated by 7:00 am on the day of the event to your group organizer. All registered participants will receive an email notification. Volunteer Agreement: By signing up, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in the Mobile Loaves & Fishes Volunteer Agreement. Secure Your SpotSIGN UP below to reserve your place and make a difference! Adult drivers are needed, please indicate your ability to drive on your child's signup or contact DCE Kenzie: kbrown@kingofkingstx.org or (319) 521-1085 |